Cet article ayant la référence 440005 est serrure à cylindre, fait à partir de matériaux durables. Les serrures à cylinder sont des serrures simples idéales pour des applications telles que les boîtes aux lettres et les tiroirs. Les serrures se composent d'un cylindre et d'une came rotative (came). En insérant la clé dans la serrure, la came peut être tournée pour activer ou désactiver le verrouillage.
Noodzakelijke cookies helpen een website bruikbaarder te maken, door basisfuncties als paginanavigatie en toegang tot beveiligde gedeelten van de website mogelijk te maken. Zonder deze cookies kan de website niet naar behoren werken.
The session cookie stores your shopping data over several page views and is therefore essential for your personal shopping experience.
CSRF token:
The CSRF token cookie contributes to your security. It strengthens the security of forms against unwanted hacker attacks.
The cookie is used to provide the system with the user's current time zone.
Cookie settings:
The cookie is used to store the cookie settings of the site user over several browser sessions.
Cache handling:
The cookie is used to differentiate the cache for different scenarios and page users.
Information on origin:
The cookie stores the referrer and the first page visited by the user for further use.
Activated cookies:
Saves which cookies have already been accepted by the user for the first time.
Intégration CAPTCHA
Recent bekeken producten
Liste d'envies
Hotjar cookies are used to analyze website activities of users. The site user is identified by the cookie over several page views and his or her behavior is analyzed.
Google Tag Manager debug mode:
Allows to run the Google Tag Manager in debug mode.
Als je toestemming geeft voor het gebruik van deze cookies kunnen wij je surfgedrag volgen, zodat wij en en derde partijen je gepersonaliseerde advertenties kunnen tonen.
Facebook Pixel:
The cookie is used by Facebook to display personalized advertising offers based on user behavior to users of websites that integrate Facebook services.
Bing Ads:
This cookie is used by Bing to gather anonymous information on how visitors are using the website.
Google AdSense:
The cookie is used by Google AdSense to promote advertising efficiency on the website.
Google conversion tracking:
The Google Conversion Tracking Cookie is used to track conversions on the website effectively. This information is used by the site operator to target Google AdWords campaigns.
Cookies utilisés pour les statistiques et les mesures de performance de la boutique.
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is used for traffic analysis of the website. Thereby statistics about website activities can be created and read out.
Hotjar cookies are used to analyze website activities of users. The site user is identified by the cookie over several page views and his or her behavior is analyzed.
Nous respectons votre vie privée
Ce site utilise des cookies pour garantir la meilleure expérience possible.